Monday, October 1, 2012

This weekend...

I actually accomplished a lot this weekend. I successfully jumped off the no caffeine/sugary beverage wagon with a loud WEEEEE (ugh, a wagon I did not want to jump off of), I got to sew a few things, spend time with mom, visit the fabric store (a big WEEE there too as I skipped through the front door), spent time with great friends and wore the kids out at the park. It was a really good weekend. Just to recap:

I re-purposed a baby blanket Riley never used to make a bib (actually several bibs).

Pattern is from (insert all that legal stuff that should be said to give credit to the pattern designer, by no means try to steal credit, rights or privileges belonging until the originator of the pattern. Simple terms: go to the link and get the pattern to sew for yourself but I'm not giving you permission to sew and sell. You've got to get with Nested. I'm only sharing my finished project I made to use for my kid. Yep, I think I stink at the legal disclaimer...)
Cute. No finished bib does not come with a baby.
Results from long play date with good friends... I love these moments. Speechless. Literally. Wink Wink to all the Mommies in the blog-o-sphere!

And last, I know I mentioned before about the whole 30 days of Pinterest (which was an epic flop by day 2) but I pinned something neat on Friday and thought about making it this weekend since I road tripped it to the fabric store. I saw these little Rick Rack Rose someone pinned on Pinterest and thought I would try some myself. Turned out super cute until my son ripped the rose off my hair snap. Sigh. Note to self, don't leave projects where little curious hands can reach them. Duly noted.

PS: It is fixable I just wasn't up to getting the glue gun out. Again. Still turned out just like the picture. 

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