Monday, October 15, 2012

God wants my "Big Girl Pants"?

Does God really want my "big girl" pants? It's no secret I've birthed 2 children in 3 years. What is a secret is all the "clever" ways I think I'm hiding the damage they did to my body over the course of their journey into this world. Shirts, dresses, distracting extremely high heals to change the focus, its true, God does want my big girl pants. 
I used to be the "skinny" no eater in high school. I wouldn't eat breakfast, wouldn't eat lunch and then starving by the time I got home from school when I snacked on anything I could get my hands on until dinner. Chips have always been my drug of choice. Any and all, I don't discriminate. I honestly believe that I'm genetically part potato (insert snarky couch reference) because my other weakness is fries. Skinny McDonald's fries to be exact (not said in anyway to mislead and let on that fries will make you skinny, cause they won't). I get them when we casually drive through to get a snack before going home, get them as a side when I could have had a salad and the degradation goes on and on. The truth of the matter is my now 30+1+1+1 mommy frame can't keep up with the active 30-15 old me where belly buttons used to be where they belong.
I say all this because my recent discovery, or you could say obsession (but not hiding in the bushes obsession), with Lysa TerKeurst has landed me reading Made to Crave. I've been a "I'll start Monday" mommy when it comes to eating better and trying to be a better me physically. My reality is, I wish my 30-15 body was who was chasing my children on the weekends. Yikes! I attempted 2 naps yesterday (attempted being the key word) which really I should only be doing in the event of re-pregnancy (I took that test and passed without studying). I am tired but no tired from the mommy demands. I'm tired because I don't eat energy foods and  what little energy I do have is locked up in the clutches of Mr. Smarty Pants and Miss Nosy Rosie.
So, what to do when I need to change my stinkin thinkin? Find a good book, crawl into the lap of the Lord and pray God change me. Before beginning Lysa's book, I never looked at my physical needs as something God needed to be part of. Sure I prayed hard for stuff like healthy pregnancies but as far as asking God to repair the pregnancy "damage" I never thought to ask. I've been through 1 Corinthians a few times and honestly skipped right over 6:19-20 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. Ding ding ding! What do we have for the winner Bob! I know, HELLO, its right there in the Word and I skipped right over it!
Lord, I give you my big girl pants. I pray today that I would honor you emotionally, mentally and physically with all that I am and the choices I make. I humble ask for discernment to make the right choices and that You be the only One I crave. Through Jesus sacrifice and Love, Amen.

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