Thursday, October 25, 2012

I don't talk Thai!

I am about as meat and potatoes as it gets with my food. I'm not a food "prood" but I don't get down with new cuisines without proper planning. Basically, I need time to Google the menu before we go. Enter my 2 best girlfriends, Christ given sisters, trouble makers, food explorationists. Yes, that is a word.

Couple years ago when the 3 of us were finally in the same state (don't ask, its always confusion), 2 of the 3 of us really wanted Thai food (me not being one of the 2). I'm not a Thai food hater its just way outside my comfort zone. Way, like another continent comfort zone. Reluctantly, because I love these 2 so much, I went and ordered the most Chinese dish I could find (hey, I never said I didn't like Chinese only said I prefer familiarity and time to prepare).
So, Something that reasonably looked like beef broccoli came to the table and surprisingly it was really good. Now the other 2 are a different story. They sat across the table from each other chirping about this flavor and that flavor and this sauce and that sauce and tea drinks and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on, well, you get the point. They love Thai food. Love like licked the plate clean love. Yes, they have to love and forgive me and one of them did in fact lick their plate. Clean. No need to wash, clean.

This makes me think about what in my life I love enough to lick the plate? The obvious are my husband, my kids and my family because from my outward appearance you know I'm married because I wear a ring and I have kids (we won't revisit that "pregnant" post from yesterday), and I exist so you know I have to have parents somewhere (sunny Florida at this moment if I had to guess). But what else is plate licking important in my life?

When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table. Luke 22:14

I'm pretty sure if plate licking love was going to happen in the New Testament it happened at the Last Supper. Soaking up as much of Jesus as the disciples could and not wanting to leave anything on the table. Jesus commands us to love one another. To love even in the midst of misunderstanding, hurt and troubles, His command is to love (maybe even love it enough to lick the plate although I can't seem to find that in the Gospels). Peter, who would deny Jesus, sat at the table, soaking in (if not licking the plate) of Jesus' final words not wanting the dinner to end for he knew what was to come.

 "Peter replied, 'Man, I don't know what you're talking about!' Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed. The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter." Luke 22:60-61
I love the story of Peter. After the denial, he sat in the presence of Jesus again sharing a meal and heard Jesus say I love you 3 times. 3 times the love for 3 times of denial. Redemption. I can relate to Peter. At a point in his panic and fear he denied he was a follower of Christ. It was a moment when he lost focus of the Jesus he soaked in and he panicked. At points in my life I know I can be counted guilty of denial myself. When I'm slowed down by traffic in the morning and get frustrated, denied Christ. When I get snappy about something someone said or I judge someone about their parenting, denied Christ. When I get mad about things I cannot change or influence, denied Christ and the list goes on. When I rely on myself when responding to something, I'm denying the grace and power Christ has over my life. Temporary panic reaching for quick rather that grip the grace that Christ provides.
Lord, I love you. I pray that you forgive me when I fall short. I pray the outbursts, frustration and less gracious moments be replaced with mercy, kindness and humility. I sit at Your table in awe of Your love for me and soak in the forgiveness and redemption I don't deserve. Thank You Lord. Amen.   

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