Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mommy, you should get a new job cause you suck at being Mommy...

Sigh. I know I'm not a failure. I know its a little severe to post with such a dramatic title but that's how I'm feeling this morning. My son just turned 3 at the beginning of August so with birthday cake and party favors comes the new class at daycare. We've been told for the past several weeks now that our son would be progressing to the next class to be with the 3 year olds but what we were told yesterday was a different story.
We've know all along that our son has not mastered the potty. Ding ding ding, we do know what we are dealing with here (anyone find a turd in the tub and a duck in the toilet?...). He's an emotional kid so we have to step lightly around certain subjects and make him curious and adventurous to try something new. Well, the potty has not been one of those adventures. More like a miss-adventure. I feel like my son will be ready when he's ready and I've spoken with other mom's who had kids who took a while and other mom's who had their infants on the toilet. He talks about the potty, we leave the door open (#1 NOT #2, over share, I'm sorry), we've got the underpants in the sock drawer, he will sit on the potty then nothing. We've tried rewards, we've tried suckers, we even have a chore board to help encourage him with magnets and nothing. So now, on top of making absolutely no progress at home he's told he can't go to the next class with his friends.
Of course I take it personal. I've failed as a parent because my kid is not competitively up to speed with the rest of the kids his age. AAH! I just want to scream and cry and throw myself on the floor until someone passes by telling me that's not going to work (what I tell my son when he throws a fit for candy). That competitive comment, that's a joke by the way. I don't care that my kids don't meet other people's expectations. I get that he's not trained like the rest of the kids in his class (maybe I need to resort to kid gates and newspapers in the kitchen... joke) but you know, I don't really care. I know my son and I know he will get there when he gets there. He said to his daddy yesterday as he was leaving school dissapointed about not having a new name tag for his new class "I'm almost ready daddy". Yes, honey, mommy believes you, you are almost ready. 
Its not about training them to follow and be like the rest but train them to be the best little person they can be. Deuteronomy 4:9 Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.
Love you little boo.
Maybe this is why I suck at potty training... I just don't know the mechanics...

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