Thursday, August 23, 2012

Did somebody say boobs?

No, if you accidentally found my blog thinking you would actually see boobs I'm sorry to disappoint you. This blog is about me and my journey as a mommy of 2 in a world where Kindergartners go to school with cell phones and "Tweeting" and "Pinning" are no longer for the birds and the housewives. I'm a happy mommy of a 3 year old son and a 4 month old daughter who have truly shaped me into a better person than I ever knew I could be (well, by shape, I don't mean willingly accepting the "road map to my soul" stretch marks from their pregnancies...). They call me mommy. They cry for me, they cry at me, they throw up on me, that poop on me, they need food from me, they steal my side of the bed, they give me their germs, they steal my phone, one of them chews on my shirt, leave crackers in my purse, hid race cars in my shoes and I know that's not the end of the list of what they will do to me but I don't remember who I was before I found race cars in my boots. They have melted their daddy's heart too (did I mention I do have a husband, a good one, and surprisingly they don't give him the enjoyment of doing any of the above to him, he gets off lucky somehow...) and made him a huge sucker who I'm afraid will be handing over the checkbook and keys to the car in the future. Stay tuned!

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