Tuesday, September 25, 2012

HTC with a side of NIV please...

In my last post I was all excited it was Friday and hoping to get something creative created for the weekend while shamelessly plugging pictures of my kiddo rolling over (which she has taken to a professional level now, thanks). Yes, I did make something that I'm not willing to post pictures of just yet because I'm still working out the details (the handles, grrrrr) but its a work in progress. Being a work in progress leads me to my next adventure (I said very early on it a post here and on my SSDesigns page, I have a really short attention span so I go on A LOT of adventures, stay with me).
A couple weeks ago a friend sent me one of those chain emails "forward if you love Jesus, don't forward if you don't" type emails. I will be honest, yes, I love Jesus a lot but I'm not one to forward those emails unless they really have a faith directed message. Sorry chain originators and senders. This specific email compared how much we text, play with, play on and carry our cell phones and what would it look like if we took God's Word everywhere we took our cell phones. So, last Friday (not the yippie Friday but a week later) I started packing around my Word. I have a big NLT bible that has been my new drug of choice (yes I said drug) because I like the writing style but I've always been an NIV girl. I also have a pocket sized NIV version that I carry in my purse (so I guess that makes it purse size...).
I make it a point that where the phone goes, the Word goes. At first, lets be honest, I was nervous. Here I am packing around a bible and I feel like people are going to look at me like where is my soap box with all my political stickers attached to stand on. No, this is not the case. This adventure is just for me. I'm terrible with my "smart phone". I do take it everywhere. I play games, I check emails, I text (oh goodness do I ever text), I check news which is odd because I really don't like watching the news, I take pictures of moments with my kids when while taking the picture I miss the actual moment with my kids then I tell them to hold on (try that with a 5 month old) while I shamelessly post the moment to my social network and then text it to all their grandparents. I'm not as bad as most but I'm just missing out on things I should see while walking with my head up and not down giving myself carpel tunnel syndrome.
Enough. I decided to carry my Word to see if instead of responding with a snarky "I told you so" text to a friend I reach to God's Word for direction and guidance. Instead of taking my phone to the "pump" room at work I take my Word too and then see which one I use. It has only been a few days into this journey (6 to be exact) and some days are harder than others (because I'm making some dietary changes while on this 30 day journey, hangry and caffeine deprived) but I can tell you that at the end of this 30 day journey I will be forever changed. It will be and has been tough but I'm up for wherever God takes me. I'm journal-ing as well to track all the ways I'm changing on this journey. I'll keep you posted! Probably with some more shameless pictures of my children too but timing of taking those pictures will be better planned, promise!

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